Generate plugin by shopware cli
After successfully finishing work on your custom plugin the natural way is to test it on some external environment like a staging environment. To prepare your code to upload on an external environment and after that to make it published shopware created a tool to help you with that. - Shopware CLI
Of course, this tool is more powerful than only preparing plugins to release. The features are categorized into 3 categories.
Today we are interested in an extension section. To create a zip file with our extension we have to follow three steps:
1. Validate extension
> ./shopware-cli extension validate {path_to the_extension}
2. Prepare extension
Install composer dependencies of the extension:
> ./shopware-cli extension prepare {path_to the_extension}
3. Zip extension
Create a zip file from extension folder:
> ./shopware-cli extension zip {path_to the_extension} --disable-git
After the last command, you will get a zipped folder that you can upload to your shopware instance or your shopware store account.